Why this site?
Those were the days!

Why this site?

At 79, I find that I still have a lot of abilities, experience and drive, but not a lot to do!

As an aging software/website developer, companies don’t want to employ me as I may not be around or capable in a few years time.

What I need is someone with a software/website need to provide me with an outlet for my abilities.

I find that creating something for no one or no reason feels like a waste of time and talent so it very soon becomes uninteresting!

Perhaps in order to ensure that I get some exersize and mental/social stimulation I should get a part time job?

Before I do that however, it seems a good idea to create a web site to stimulate me, and perhaps at the same time give something to others in the way of mental stimulation and perhaps as a source of information?

1 Comment

  1. Brian Clarke

    Lets get the project rolling…

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